Wednesday, September 05, 2007

My flat

I haven't blogged in a while... as usual..............

But I thought I'd give a quick update of what's happening to lil' ol' me...

I've bought a flat. Actually to be accurate I've bought half a flat under shared ownership scheme (where I buy a portion and pay rent on the portion I do not own)

Of the half I do own, 90% of that is mortgaged with the bank....... So in reality I actually own only 10% of the flat (and if include the money I've borrowed of my mum and sis.... well I own about -10% of my flat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Oh well!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I moved in on the 22 June and so far I have bought no furniture - and the furniture I have I have scrounged of friends - hey I own less than 0% of a flat... I can't go out and splash money on luxuries!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(This was meant to be a positive update but in reflection............. ah well... c'est la vie)

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