Thursday, July 28, 2005

Words of encouragement...

(If you're looking for the words of encouragement in the title they are towards the end of the post.... but here's some background as to how they cae about...)

As well as writing my own blog... I do go through other peoples blogs to see how other people are faring (and to see if there is anything interesting I cam steal from their design or content)....

While surfing like this I came across The Dead Letters, its written by a woman from the US and tells about her life... I think its very well written and gives me a glimpse into someones life that I probably never would have had... This just goes to show how the world is shrinking and becoming smaller... we can connect to people who in the normal course of our day to day lives we would never even contemplate.... we can share there experiences and get a view from their minds eye... (sometimes we may agree sometimes we may not... but hopefully we should be able accept others views)...

Anyway I dropped some words of encouragement on the blog... and I was surprised by the reaction (I kinda got an indirect mention on the blog)... (click here to the link I think refers to me...amonst others)... its always nice to have small surprises... and sometimes what seems like the smallest gestures can bring the largest smiles...

The author wasn't expecting anyone other then her close friends to read her blog... and as I said she was surprised to see the reaction... it will be interesting to see if she changes what she writes... I know I'll be watching and dropping regular comments

Anyway back to the title of this post... I dropped these words of of encourgement... and I thought I'd share them (slightly amended of course) ... let me know you're thoughts...

Life brings many ups and downs.... sometimes the downs seem to last forever... but always try to look at the long term big picture and imagine life is just a big slab of rock... if u keep chipping away at it over time then eventually you'll see the may take a long time...but a few things to remember are:

1) celebrate even the smallest victories as you never know when the next one will come... (and it gives you an excuse to party and revel in your glory!!!!!!!!)

2) stand back and look at what you've achieved, if you compare it to your starting point you'll be amazed!!! (Again this gives you time to a. chill and laze about and b. celebrate and party!!!!)

3) you need to have the vision to look forward and imagine/dream what this slab of rock we call life will become...without the hope this vision brings life may seem empty... (and as everyone knows day-dreaming and sleeping are my biggest hobbies).

Well let me know if these words mean anything or add any you think have helped you... will help others...

Monday, July 25, 2005

Jean Charles de Menezes

I would like to express my sympathy for the family of Jean Charles De Menezes.

If I was approached by a group of (non-uniformed men) brandishing guns I think my reaction would be to run as well.

The fact that they had him pinned down and under control before unloading eight bullets into his head sounds more like a "summary execution" rather than a "shoot to kill/protect" policy.

The fact that for around 24 hours after they maintained that Jean was intimately linked to the terror bombings is also inexplicable... I wonder, if the person they had killed had been a young innocent muslim male, would some tenuos link have been made to the bombers?

To many people in the UK, the behaviour of the police seems reasonable... but imagine it from my a young, asian, muslim male, who is law-abiding, hard working, pays his taxes and has never committed any crime, living in London...I now not only have to worry about bombs on the London Underground, but also having the police take potshots at me. (I regularly take the tube to visit friends and take a rucksack if I'm staying overnight).

I do not agree with any aspect of the bombings on 7/7. I think that what happened goes against Islam. Until now I had now I had thought that the police had handled the situation since 7/7 quite well... but now.... The police have a very difficult job and have found themselves on the frontline... I don't envy them... they have a hard job protecting us at the best of times... and this situation will only serve to sour relations and make their job harder.

I hope and pray that this circle of violence ends soon without taking any more lives... muslim or non muslim...

Friday, July 22, 2005

IQ test/ the link to check it out

This is an IQ test given to job applicants in China: "Everybody has to cross the river".

The following rules apply:
1. Only 2 persons on the raft at a time

(Either they're so overweight it'll sink...or its some cheap French Import!!!)

2. The father can not stay with any of the daughters without their mother's presence
3. The mother can not stay with any of the sons without their father's presence

(This seems like quite a disturbed family... reminds me of people I know....
no names mentioned - BUT YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!!!!!!!!!)

4. The thief (striped shirt) can not stay with any family member if the Policeman is not there
5. Only the Father, the Mother and the Policeman know how to operate the raft

(Cos the kids are stooooopid)

6. To start click on the big blue circle on the right.
7. To move the people click on them.
8. To move the raft click on the pole on the opposite side of the river.

This can be achieved - honest!

I've actually managed to do this... Let me know if you want the solution and I'll let you have it!!!!

(Personally I don't thik any of you bozo's have a hope in hell of doing this..... but I just wanted to fry your brains........hehehehehehe)

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

I.C.E........At last a useful e-mail forward

At last for the first time ever some one has sent me an e-mail forward that appears quite useful, very practical and could potentially save someone's life....

Here it is.........

"Dear All, East Anglian Ambulance Service have launched a national "In case of Emergency (ICE)" campaign with the support of Falklands war hero Simon Weston and in association with Vodafone's annual life savers award. The idea is that you store the word "ICE" in your mobile phone address book, and against it enter the number of the person you would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency". In an emergency situation ambulance and hospital staff will then be able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to contact them. It's so simple - everyone can do it. Please do. Please will you also forward this to everybody in your address book, it won't take too many forwards' before everybody will know about this. It really could save your life."

I would do this myself but I have three phones (yes I am one of those idiots with more phones that ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and it would be too much like hard work going through and changing my address book!!!

Actually on second thoughts I kind of do this already... except that the main number is stored under "MUM".... which stands for well Mum....

Thursday, July 14, 2005

50th birthday...woo hoo

As I was about to make a post I realised that this was going to be my 50th post....

This blog has now reached its second milestone (the first was reaching 500 site hits (although 376.897987 were probably me just logging on to see how mny hits I'd had!!!!!!!!))...

Again I think this calls for a celebration... more chocolate (maybe now you guys can see why I need to hit the gym so much!!!!!!)...

I would also like to invite comments aout what you guys think of this blog and my writings.

Is there too much or not enough? Are there other topics I should cover or is the subject matter okay??? How do you find the colour scheme/template??? Is there too much going on in the sidebars? Is the font too small (or too big even???)...Or any other comments you have...

Any feedback would be more than appreciated (although in recognition of my artistic and literary ability I am expecting everyone to tell me how great this site (and I) am... And never fear I take negative criticism quite well.... I'll only smack you over the head with a baseball bat a limited number of times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that's all and here's to the next 50....

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Its a beautiful day

Well again I can't think of much to write about.... but my colleague (to protect his privacy lets give him a false identity say Maritz - the South African) suggested that I tell the world how beautiful a day it is.... I gave him a look of consternation and said"who's gonna find that interestin matey?????".....

Then with a sly grin he replied... "ahh but imagine all those people in Poland, Siberia and the North Pole... who will be tortured at hearing how warm it is here......"

And therein my dear readers you can get an insight into the mental workings of Maritz - the South African!!!!!!!!!!! Any people from the colder climates should be way of crossing his path for fear of the mental torture he will wreak upon them...........


Actually the person mentioned above as Maritz - the South African is a really nice bloke, he even brought a cake in cos it was his birthday (For the record I have never seen how he intereacts with people from Poland, Siberia or the North Pole, so I can neither confirm nr deny that he would cause them much mental torture!!!!).


Thursday, July 07, 2005

London explosions

I would like to express my sadness at the awful incidents today in London, my thoughts and prayers are with all those who have been injured or who have lost a loved one.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

500 and counting................

Some one is actually reading this blog... I know I've said it before but I still find it hard to believe... the stat counter at the bottom of the page has registered over 500 visits to this blog (the vast bulf of them are probably just me admiring my own creation)....

I think that I deserve some kind of recognition so I think I'll treat myself to a choccy bar!!!

Got rid of her at last

At last its over!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I've finnalyy gotten rid of her at last!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If your all wondering what I'm talking about its my sisters wedding...

The Nikah (marriage ceremony) and meal took place on Saturday (2 July) in Bradford at Anam's Restaurant (arranged and PAID FOR by ME!!!!!).

The Walima (reception) took place on Sunday (3 July) in Leicester (arranged for by the groom's side).

I have to express my heartfelt thanks and appreciation to the management and staff at Anam's restaurant who handled the day (and my family) quite well... both the event and the organisation went without a hitch...

Actually the fact that there weren't any problems nearly caused a problem... During my planning I had built in a fair amount of time to allow for late comers and delays (after all it is an Asian wedding!!!)... but to my shcok everyone was on time... some people were actually early!!! The manager was also in shock... having organised a number of events in the past this is the first one he had ever seen where people had turned up (and left) on time!!! He kept commenting how surprised he was.... well I guess we asians are coming up in the world!!!!!!

I would also like to expres my heartfelt thanks to Adnan and Rai who were a great help (actually I'm a bit jealous of Adnan as I think he was impressing more people than I did).

Most people commented that the whole arrangement was a very classy affair... the food was good and the setting fantastic... The only person who hasn't thanked me yet is... err.... my sister!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All in all eveything went quite well - except for the usual list of complaints and put downs from family members who turned up on masse to be fed (picture the scene of an African desert with a pack of hungry hyenas devouring a carcass and you'll get the picture) never to be seen until the next wedding reception....

I do have a few moans about my family members but I guess I'd better keep quiet or else I'll end up ebing castrated!!!!!

The last thing I'd like to say is that I hope my sister and her new family have a very happy and prosperous future!!!

(And finally I'm going to go and check my on-line bank account to see how badly this classy affair has put me back!!!!! If anyone would like to contribute to the Salim Suleman bankruptcy fund please send blank cheques to my home address).

It was quite good to see most of my relatives and friends...