Friday, April 29, 2005

A weekend of leisure... or maybe not...

The weekend is here, its summer and to top it off Moday is a bank holiday... so that should mean relaxation and driving around meeting friends ands generally chilling out....

..err... well in my case that's not going to happen....

I was planning to visit a friend in East London and then see a cousin in Surrey... but... my car has decided to disintegrate... well to be more precise the water leak (that I was too tight fisted to repair last week) has led to the water pump seizing, then the timing belt failing and taking out the rest of my engine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What would have been a £280 repair job has turned into potentially £600 (minimum). The car can't be seen by the mechanic till next week... and the damn thing only cost me £400...

So what should I do...

FIX IT - not worth it since the car cost less then the repairs and will probably fail its next MOT!!!

SCRAP IT AND BY ANOTHER SECOND HAND CAR - not really an option as I haven't got a clue and I'll probably just by a bigger dud!!!!

SCRAP IT AND BY ANOTHER BRAND NEW CAR - well can't really afford this option!!!!

BECOME CARLOS (OR CAR LESS) FOR A WHILE - BUT I do need a car for work... and soon ... I'm travelling around three sites next week and the week after I'm going to Solihull and Manchester!!! Fun and games...

none of the options really suit me but I'll have to fork out some cash and soon... if anyone wants to donate some cash to a good cause (i.e. me) or even a car (preferably a Ferrari) just mail me... as a thank you I'll let you have a gmail account...

But in the meantime I guess I'll be catching the bus!!!

Take care and have a good weekend!

Thursday, April 28, 2005

The General Election

The thoughts that have been going across my mind for the last few days is should I vote and who should I vote for?


To be honest I don't like the manifesto and policies of the current Conservative party as they appear to reactionary... they don't appear to come out with anything new or innovative... they merely seem to react to any current crisis and rush out policies to deal with those issues. This has led to them raising quite contentious issues such as race and immigration to fever pitch level.

While I do agree that these issues haven't been handled as well as they could by Labour and there are serious problems to be overcome, the way the Tories deals with them (to my mind) looks like an attempt to scaremonger the public into voting for them. The effect of this is that groups such as the BNP (by association to these issues) gain credibility in their campaigns and the general public feel that the country is at breaking point when to me it doesn't appear to be the case (after all ethnic minorites make up less than 8% of the population... even if they tried how much damage can they do?).

The arguments surrounding the benefits that the immigrant population bring to the UK are completely ignored. These issues include:
  • Keeping the NHS alive!
  • Providing a skilled resource which is not available in the UK
  • Combatting the decline in population

There are many moer issues but these are ignored!

As the Labour party has taken up the same political groud that the Tories occupied, the Tories do not appear to offer a distinct alternative anyway (except in certain extreme issues where they appear to be as extreme as the BNP).


Well to my mind they haven't done much over the last few years except break promises. They managed poorly the Iraq War (which I and many people I know disagree with) and in many areas they are the Tory party in all but name. Many systems under them are in disarray (the NHS/police force/immigration etc). And to be blunt I have no faith or trust in Tony Blair.

The poor handling of the immigration situation by the goverment has led to high profile controversies which has led to the mainly well behaved ethnic minorities being labelled and targeted.

The Labour party, who were once the champions of the poor, don't appear to haven done much during their tenure in office to create "real" jobs and employment and safegurad British Industry.

At times they appear to operate a "Laissez Faire" policy until things hit crisis point (look at the Rover issue/the cricket tour of Zimbabwae). They are the government its theie duty to lead!

Again I can't see much difference from the old Conservatives, but because of the disenfranchisement with the Tories I can't see anything other then a Labour win!


Some of their policies I agree with and some I don't (such as legalising Canabis) but to my mind they appear to be the most honest of the three main parties. They also appear to offer real alternatives to the main parties. Regardless of this i don't see them winning much of the vote.


Votnig for any other party... well seeing as the smaller parties in the best cases will be unable to form any significant voting blocks within Parliment a vote for these while displaying people's anger at the other parties will do little to influence the political machine of policy and law. So all in all a wasted vote!


The Labour party haven't done anything to earn my vote, while the Tories campaigning has been reactionary at best at extremist at worst. They don't appear to offer any alternative and regradless of who is in power between these two, I don't see much change in internal or external policy. The Liberals won't really get into power and a vote for the rest is really wasted.


After carefully considering all of the above I think I'll exercise my democratic right to stay in bed on the 5th od May. To all of you think carefully, look below the headlines and use your vote wisely.

Last nights football...

Well after mt comlpete lack of physical activity (other than going to an from the fridge) I played 5-a-side football last night... I actually had a good game for a change... Before I played I managed to figure out what was wrong with my game (excluding the fact that I am completely lacking in skill, fitness and finesse...).

In past weeks I've run around like your classic headless chicken, attacking (even though I can't pass or shoot) and defending. Within five minutes of kick-off I was physically exhausted. Well last night I set my stall out to stay back (yes that means I just stood at the back and watched the game and when the opposition attacked I just stuck my fat @r$e in the way). Overall I wasn't overly exhasted as the game progressed, while the opposition attackers(who were a man down anyway) did get exhausted... ahhh...those kids in their youthful exhuberence were up and down the pitch like yo-yo's... tiring their little legs out... while I in my experience (gained from a pretty sad existence) managed to pace myself. We eventually won the game 4-2.

I do have to mention my mate Khiz as well... during his turn in goal he was pulling off some stunning saves... but then fate dealt him the cruellest of blows.... there was a shot which Khiz stunningly dove across the goal mouth to block... only to watch it spin into the back of the net.... oh how I felt for him.... as I sat there and laughed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

err yes... about that gym and exercise business!!!

Well....ahem... I haven't quite made it to the gym as often as planned!!!!

I haven't been to the gym last week or this week (yet) but hey I have great body (ok stop laughing0)... I'm just a little tired at the moment... but hopefully I'll be back there soon...

I've reassessed what I want. The way forward for me is to set some objectives and then decide on the best way to achieve them. My current routine was a bit of everything with no real aim.

So the ojective I'm going to set myself is to lose half a stone over the next two months. Lose two stone over the next nine months. Over the longer term (12 - 18 months its generally to get fitter and improve physique).

I'll change my routing to include more cardio (running/swimming/football) and only maybe the one weights session per week. The weights session is so as to keep some momentum going in the physique side.

But overall I'll sit back down at the start of June and see how I'm doing... and I'll keep you informed along the way...

...wish me luck...

...and please no comments saying "I told you so"...

Now you see me... now you don't...

I guess I owe the fan club my apologies from being away from the blog for toooo long... I hope you guys aren't suffereing any nasty withdrawal symptoms!!!! I've just re-read my last post and actually life isn't as bad a s I amde out...

The weather's great..I have a good job with brilliant pay... my car still moves... everyone loves me, I'm popular, well respected, good looking, funny, witty etc etc (let me know if I'm getting carried away here!!!!!!!).

Anyway I've had a good weekend... went back to Leeds (and just about made it before the car blew up!!!). Saturday saw a trip to Leicester to meet my sisters in-laws, while on Sunday we went to check out to restaurants.... the legendary "Mumtaz Paan House" in Bradford and "Nawab Khan's" in Leeds... while Mumtaz is clearly highly rated it was around £10per head more expensive then the latter... On visiting Nawab's we were given a free meal as a taster... I was only expecting a few starters but got a full blown meal... so I was happy!!!!

My mate Adnan (part Afghan, part Pakistan, part Arab, Patthan... with a very strong Brummie accent) came round.... but I'll tell you more about him later...

Haven't been to the gym but will fill you guys in on that later as well...

Apart from that there was nothing much to report!!!

I've decided not to go home over the bank holiday but just chill in London and enjoy the city!!!

Thursday, April 21, 2005

... So sue me

The vast bulk of people who have blogs just sit there and moan about how crap life is so I thought... what the hell why shouldn't I join in....

Well I haven't been the gym, played football or gone swimming this week... I just really couldn't be bothered!!! (And no one had better leave comments of I told you so or I knew it wouldn't last etc etc). So I've probably just gotten fatter (any negative commenters will just get my fat arse sitting on their faces OK!)

That coupled with the fact that I've done absolutely sod all at work and that I am as financially astute as a salmon swimming upstream only to become tomorrow's main course has left me feeling quite annoyed at myself!!!!!!!!

To top it off it looks like you muppets have stopped reading this stupid blog.... all this effort I go to for you guys and you just throw it back in my face...

Are there any bright sides... err my mate Khiz took me out for a meal at Nando's and paid!!! At least someone is taking care of me... we ended up sitting in his car and reminiscing over which of the females we used to watch on TV in our youth had captured out imagination... (this discussion lasted till midnight and we ended up with quite a long list!!!)

The only plus point is that I didn't spend much cash this week... which means rather than sinking further into the cesspool of death that this rat race has left me in I'm just drowning at the same level I've been at which is about 20,000 leagues below sea-level...

Anyway I can't be bothered entertaining you sorry lot today so sod off and leave me alone!

Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Did you miss me....

Its been a while since my last post and I know that my loyal fan club all 0.00 of you were missing my posts....

Well as they say absence makes the heart grow fonder... that must mean you guys must love me even more then usual...

Well here's the lowdown...

Progress on the fitness size has been promising... I weighed myself on Sunday and I came in at 12 stone 12lbs which means I've shed another two stone (total loss of 3 stone)... unfortunately I have another confession to make... I haven't done any exercise since last Thursday... I know I'm bad .... very bad but in my defence any good exercise regime needs to build in rest time!

I'm planning on going swinning tonight and playing football tomorrow... lets se how it goes!

The Weekend

I went back to Leeds at the weekend and managed to pick up my new phone... I love it to bits... even though it looks exactly like my old phone but trust me its great...

The plans for my sisters wedding look like they're going okay. We're looking to book a nice cosy restaurant in Leeds... it can only seat 125 people so that should help us keep the numbers down... if you would like an invite just volunteer for waiter duty and you'll be top of the list!

All seems to be going well so lets hope it stays that way!

The fiance came around on Saturday and I did a pretty damn good job of spoiling any ideas my sister and he had of spending time together (as we for the indian subcontinent call it I was a "KEBAB MAI HADI")... hehe... that mad my weekend!!!

The Car...

Well this is the first time I'm going to post about THE CAR.... up tp now it has served me loyally and valiantly as I roam around the country on my endless journeys to seek enlightenment (or just to when I'm going home to take my washing up to mum!!!!)... but unfortunalty I don't think I've been treating my little baby well... I've scrapped the underside of the car and now I have a water leak which means I need to spend some money


Man life is a pain... well seeing as the car only cost £400 lets see what happens... any extensive costs and I might have to scrap it....(he says as he wipes a tear from his eye)... i

But generally I've had a good week/weekend... lets see how the rest of it fairs!!!!

Thursday, April 14, 2005

My baby neice

By popular demand (well demanded by one person actually)... I've been asked to mention my sweet neice Farah.

She is 15 years old and very clever (like her favourite... but shy and quiet... (but can be vvveeeeeeeerrrrryyyyyy mouthy at times)...

She isn't spoilt at all but can be annoying at times as she doesn't listen to what I say (but the who does these days) and doesn't do what I tell her. She is very cheeky. She is a really bad liar as when she tries to say something dodgy there is an evil grin on her face.

She has a good heart... but can be a bit silly at times (must run in the family!!!!!!!!!!!!!). If there's any trouble at her house with her little brothers and sisters you can guarantee that SHE is the ringleader... (like the time she tried to burn the house down by leaving a candle on all night)...

I hardly see her these days as she's always out with her friends... Johura, Sarah Katie etc etc (see they get free mentions as well)... maybe I should ban her from going out... what do you guys think??? Or maybe I should get her married to some turnip from back home!!! Sounds like a good idea cos it puts her out of my misery!!!

Oh yeah and cos she's my baby neice no one had better be nasty or mess about with her!!!!!!!! And if she messes about then I'll sort her out too!!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Forced Marriages

I came across this article in both newspapers and on the web...

Saudi Arabia bans forced marriages

In the article it has the grand mufti saying "forced marriage was against Islamic law and those responsible for it should be jailed"

Sheikh Abdul Aziz, who heads the Council of Senior Ulema (Scholars) said: "Forcing a woman to marry someone she does not want and preventing her from wedding that whom she chooses... is not permissible" under Islamic law.

He also goes on to say "fathers who coerce daughters into in marriage should be jailed and not released "until they change their minds".

I am against forced marriages (which are very different to arranged marriages) and this ruling shows that it is clearly against Islam... and those families who still carry on this are actually committing grave sins! Forced marriages are not just marked by violence, kidnapping and imprisonment... but also mental and emotional torture!

I abhor forced marriages and those who force people into them should (in my mind) be severely punished!

Anyone who also uses forced marriage as an example of Islam being backward is clearly wrong as Islamic scriptures clearly state that all men and women have a right in deciding who they marry.

Many women in Eastern cultures have to bear unjust hardships but much of this is down to the cultures and has absolutely nothing to do with the religion! As this article shows when people become more Islamically aware then women's situations will improve.

One point to consider is that whenever forced marriages comes up as a topic showing Islam in a negative light, its plastered all over the media...

I was quite surprised (well not really) that this news which shows that Islam is against forced marriages was buried in small articles and not given any prominence!!!!

Could it be because the media are only interested in showing Islam as a backward religion?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

New phones... yay I'm happy

Today I received two new phones... if you know me... I already have two phones an XDAII and a Nokia 6230... (you're thinking either this guy is a complete muppet for forking out for two new phones or he's a posing clown). Because I'm such a sad individual with a boring and mundane life this is a major even for me.

You may be right in considering me a muppet... and I probably am a poser.... there are two points to note

1) neither of these phones cost me anything and 2)one is a handset upgrade for one of the phones I already have while the other is one supplied by work.

The contract on the XDAII has expired, and my phone bill is so stupidly large (cos like a complete tool I took the phone abroad and used it to call everyone under the sun!) that they offered me an XDAIIi for free (normally retailing at £200+ with a twelve month line rental contract) plus I got the free minutes doubled (for no extra cost)... I now have 1000 free off-peak, cross network minutes and 200 text messages.

If you want to check out pictures of this phone go to or

The observant amonst you will notice that they look strikingly similar... infact they look the same (except the XDAIIi has an i on the cover)... Well just to let you know my new little baby and second most important thing in my life (after Buffy the Vampire Slayer) has got lots of tricks up its sleeve... but I won't bore you any further (lets face it most people have probably gotten bored and left already... and if you're still here...why?!?!?!?!?!)... actually sod it I'll bore you... its got wi-fi, a 1.3mega-pixel camera, touch screen, its a fully integrated pda... oh yeah and you can use it to make phone calls.

The other phone I was given by work is a Nokia 6310i... not as flash but still a good handset (and now I can make myself look like a complete idiot by telling all my friends that I have a company phone!!! I also get a car kit with it... but considering my car is about 15 years old and about to blow up I'm not sure it will be a good idea to install that!!!!

Monday, April 11, 2005

Tasneem's wedding

The time for my big sisters wedding is fast approaching!!! And there's plenty to organise and pay for (guess who's being lumbered with both even though he is over 200 miles away...yes yours truly).

I'll try and keep you all informed as to what's happening and when (although I won't be telling you where it is cos even though I luurrve my fan club...I don't love you that much that I'm gonna pay for you to stuff your faces at my expense...although a select few will receive invites!!!).

Actually come to think about it depending on how cash strapped (or how tight) I am and how desperately we need table waiting staff I might invite all my readers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The progress so far is that we have seen a nice intimate venue (i.e. small) and well within budget (i.e. dirt cheap) that can hold around 240 people. I'm trying to rope the venue manager into helping set up the hall cos I'm blatently can't be bothered.

The killjoy that I am I have made the following suggestions (which has led to my sister almost disowning me

1) That we segregate men and women; and
2)That we don't have any music....

One suggestion that I did have was that we don't accept any gifts but instead ask for donations to a charity...

hmmm I can see why that idea didn't go down to well.

The good thing about leaving planning something like this at short notice is that you have a built in excuse for things not quite going to plan (not that, that will happen with yours truly directing...well we'll see)... and also you can ignore doing lots of expensive stuff cos its too last minute to organise.

All we need now is some food!!!!!!!!!!!!

Progress report...

Well I've been working and playing hard in the big smoke for over a month now and my loyal fanclub are probably wanting some kind of update a to how my fitness regime is going... (or how miserably its failing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Well here is my latest update....

I've been quite active lately...

Last Monday went swimming, Wednesday played Football, Friday had a hard (ish) gym session and then went for a run on Sunday...not bad for well anyone really I think...

So when I went home this weekend I weighed myself...

And the result... I now weigh 13 stones... which means in one month of exercising hard (cos I've got no friends and no life to do anything else) and eating less/healthier (cos my mum ain't round to cook for me).. I've lost the grand total of 1lb...

Which by anyone's standards is pretty rubbish actually (infact the 1lb might have something to do with the fact that I completely stripped off to weigh my self in a feeble attempt to show some progress!!!)

Charles and Camilla - The Royal Wedding

Well its finally happened Charles and Camilla have finally married (no riots, no paparazzi chase, no rain, no bombs going off and the Pope already buried).

I'm not really going to talk about the past and the history of these two and the Royals. I'm not really a royalist either (mainly cos I'm jealous of the wealth and privelige of the Royal family - how come I can't be King and inherit millions?!?!?! - Life is so unfair!!!).

But for what it's worth I do wish them all the best and I hope the public and more importantly the press will try not to tear them apart. I hope they are given a chance.

No matter what your opinions of Charles, the Royal Family or the Diana affair, you can not deny that the two appeared very happy together and it all looked "right".

Well everything looked good except Camilla's teeth... she really should do something about them!

I was a bit upset about the couple from the Kumars at No 42 as I thought they'd fly the asian flag and turn up in Shervani's etc to dazzle the public.

One thing that was quite funy was watching the royal guests (including Prince's Andrew, William Harry. Princess Anne etc) all turning up in coaches as they couldn't be trusted to organise themselves and turn up on time!!!

If you want to read more about the wedding follow this link.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Yvonne Ridley, Islam and the Taleban

Well this is only the second of my posts on Islam... hopefully there will be more to come

These days Islam and Muslims get a great deal of bad press... so its quite nice and refreshing to read articles which show Islam positively.

The following is an article about Journalist Yvonne Ridley who was captured in Afghanistan, on being released she came home and decided to look into Islam and The Holy Quran. She subsequently "reverted" to Islam.

She was a reporter for the Sunday Express and this is her story three years on:

She is now a presenter on the Islam Channel.

Follow the links to find out more:

1. Aljazeerah Al-Jazeerah
2. BBC BBC News

Protecting the identiy of innocent bystanders... ME

While discussing the blog with colleagues and surfing the net I have realised that I can potentially get fired if I saw anything that may be interprested as negative against my new employer (not that I would ever have anything to negative to say as they are the ebst company to work for in the whole wide world..........[do you think that's enough sucking up to my boss]).

But on a realistic note I do like my job and I don't want to risk it... so... I have deleted any prior mention of the name of the company I work for...

"What" I hear you scream... "this is scandalous and a form of censorship" as well as yells of "scared" and "chicken"....

Well to be honest I value having a job more than entertaining you guys... so tough...

If you want an example of someone getting fired go to again its actually a very good website, well written, and funny. The design is great (but I guess it helps being a web designer in the first place and you've been trained to to this type of thing rather than an amateur who's just trying his best to struggle through... [hope I don't sound toooooo bitter about my lack of skills]).

Ok I admit it...I did it...I'm guilty...

...I've been caught red handed... I've committed a heinous crime... I've been stealing!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on me!!!!!!!!!1

If you navigate to my test template at www.salimsulemantest.blogspot, and then to you will find striking similarities... that's because I... err... "borrowed" the template without asking... I was ultimately caught out by then asking a group of people to check it - which included the victim of my heinous crime.

All in all his site is looks great and is worth a visit if anyone wants a lesson in what makes a good blog (and compare it it to my slap dash efforts!!!!).

I will most probably change my site to look like the template at

I am ashamed and embarrased of myself and deserve to be punished... but because there is no punishment severe enough to match my crime... I guess I'll just have to continue as normal!!!


Okay you guys have had it too easy upto now..just living the high life and enjoying my blog while I've been slogging away... now its time you guys got off your fat @r$e's and put some effort in.

I'm experimenting with a new template can you checkout and

compare them to this template and let me know what you think


Leave a comment or tag.....

I know people are visiting this site from the count meter readings... and it would be great if people could leave a comment or tag...

I value your comments and opinions (well not really I just want to know people are reading this).

Monday, April 04, 2005

The weekend is over

The weekend is over and its finally back to work... it was quite an eventful weekend although it started slow...

On Saturday morning I simply lay in bed till about 2pm... (that's the life I could do with more days like that)... Later I met up with some old work colleagues from Grant Thornton and went for a meal in Kingston at a Nepali restaurant (Monthy's). It was quite a nice place really and we had a good time catching up about old times and gossiping about former colleagues etc.

Sunday morning I went to the gym and worked my @r$e off!!!!!!! Was there from 11am till 2pm... (don't get excited I was having an induction for half an hour and spent most of the rest of the time just trying to figure out there computer system... (so in about three months tme the computer system will be able to tell me how much exercise I haven't done and how much cash I've paid for the pleasure). Actually I had quite a good work out and worked most muscle groups (except my crippled shoulder...see how I'm getting my excuses ready for later). I also went to the gym on Friday and did a pure cardio session (although that meant I did even less than normal)....

errm other than that I had a pretty boring weekend........ how about you?

Friday, April 01, 2005

The weekend is here...........

The weekend is here and it finally brings to a close the first month of my new employment... this is actually quite a notable feat for two reasons... 1) I've managed to get away without doing anything for a month, 2) inspite of reason 1 and my general behaviour and attitude I am still employed!

This is the first weekend since I started my new job that I won't be running home (well making the four hour marathon drive/train slog) to mum (with her glorious cooking, magic washing machine and iron/ready made beds/sky tv and general spoiling of me) to instead stay in London.

This means that I can now stay up late, get up even later, lie in bed till later still, eat loads of unhealthy food, not have to shower, consider exercising (but then slob out in front of terrestrial tv) and meet up with long lost friends... sounds good..well to be honest I don't know but I'll let you know how it goes on Monday... (or maybe the weekend if I start getting withdrawal symptoms from blogging) till then take care and have a good weekend...

Work (part 2)

As promised here is more about my work...

I am (soon to be was!) based in Stockley Park in Uxbridge... but after being here a month my team is moving to Windsor. This is actually damn annoying as when I was looking for somewhere to live I went to great lengths to find somewhere within five minues of work so I can have a nice lie and roll out of bed straight to work! Also when I was job hunting I wanted a job in London. Now Uxbridge being one junction within the M25 is just about London (but not really). Windsor is even further out... arghhhhhh. Also I joined a gym on the same site as my office in the hope that I would go there after work and at lunchtimes (look guys its the intention that counts!). Now I'm gonna have another excuse for sitting on my lazy fat @r$e doing nothing!

The other problem is that I haven't actually done anything at work for the last month (other than sit around and look pretty). The main thing that I've done in this month is set up this blog. But seriously it is quite frustrating as I really want to get stuck in! I also feel guilty cos everyone else seems to be working hard but me! But I guess this is the case with all new jobs and just looking at my colleagues sitting working hard (personally too hard for my liking) I think I'll be snowed under soon praying for the days when I was sat around doing nothing!

Anyway that's my little rant and rave about work. Generally its quite good. The people are really nice one of them even has there own blog (Tamara), like I said the pay is good and when I eventually get some work its going to be really interesting!

Work (part 1)

Some of you are probably wondering why haven't written anything about my work... well there are a number of reasons...
  • I've only just started work and don't know much about the place yet.
  • Having just started work I'm trying to be careful and not get myself fired by saying anything I shouldn't.
  • Agin due to not being around long I don't know much gossip (yet!!!)
  • I'm an accountant/internal auditor and it really isn't that exciting.
  • I work for a utility company and again not that interesting!

For those of you who are interested here is a brief outline to I do...

I work for a gas and electricity supplier. My official job title is Business Assurance Executive (I think that sounds very cool and sexy). I'm kinda like an investigator who goes around the company looking at the risks and then seeing if the company is well positioned to respond to these risks. In my day to day dealings I meet people quite senior in the organisation such as directors etc!!! Oh yeah and the pay is fantastic! You guys are probably wondering how on earth I got such a responsible and important job...well the answer my dears is lots of prayer and lots of luck!

To stop you from getting bored (and 'cos I've got some boxes to lug around) I'll post more about work later.

Swimming or drowning....

After two days of extreme physical torture I thought that last night I'd take it easy by going for a nice gentle swim... maybe some one should remind me that I can't swim... as the effort of thrashing about in a pool was almost as bad as the pain of the prior two days!

I did about 20 lengths (25m pool)... although I did have to stop between each length to spit out the gallons of water I ingested...

Everytime I go swimming a number of thoughts always goes through my mind... what if the other users of the pool aren't as hygenic as I am (hahahahaha) and also the thought that I'm swimming in (and swallowing) water that other peoples feet (and other parts of the body) have been in...

Anyway after that I decided to visit the steam room, the sauna, the solarium and the jacuzzi. I have no idea why people go there but I guess I'm going to be a sheep and follow everyone else...after all if everyone else does it it must be good (and before anyone comments that I'm there to checkout the ladeeeez... I'll let you know when I go in I don't have my glasses on so I can't see more than a foot away from mt face... so if I did do any checking out I'd have to get quite close which in my sweaty condition would probably result in a severe beating).

I think I'll take it easy tonight and sleep... if I try to exercise in my current state while in pain and poor physical condition then I'll probably be due in casulaty later on.

Eastenders and benefit rip-offs

I was watching Eastenders last week and I was quite annoyed at one of the storylines...

Stacey Slater reported the Miller family for making false benefit claims... the Miller family were shown as ending up in real financial difficulty and the storyline was slanted such that the family was portrayed as being helpless and deserving of sympathy and that they had the sympathy of other residents of the square.

Lets look at this... Keith Miller the father of the family was falsly claiming incapacity benefit, not working and sitting at home idle. When this was stopped the family ended up in financial difficulty. Making a false claim is wrong and shouldn't be tolerated. Its a crime. Its some one not wanting to work but wanting to benefit from others efforts.

The BBC should not portray this family as victims as in real life the real victims would be you and I... honest tax payers who slave away everyday to pay for ourselves, our families, our country and those genuinely in need. While I know that this is a fictional storyline, in reality this goes on too much for my liking.

The character of Stacey Slater while evil and while doing things for the wrong reason actually did the right thing.

I would like to add that I don't think there is anything wrong in claiming benefits, after all they are there for a reason to hekp those in need. There are also a lot of people out there whose claims are genuine. My gripe is with those people who make false claims. As well as "stealing" they give those who are genuinely claiming bad press. I also don't like it when they are portrayed as victims to elicit sympathy.

If I knew of anyone making false claims I would report them and I would hope that you would too.