Wednesday, April 27, 2005

err yes... about that gym and exercise business!!!

Well....ahem... I haven't quite made it to the gym as often as planned!!!!

I haven't been to the gym last week or this week (yet) but hey I have great body (ok stop laughing0)... I'm just a little tired at the moment... but hopefully I'll be back there soon...

I've reassessed what I want. The way forward for me is to set some objectives and then decide on the best way to achieve them. My current routine was a bit of everything with no real aim.

So the ojective I'm going to set myself is to lose half a stone over the next two months. Lose two stone over the next nine months. Over the longer term (12 - 18 months its generally to get fitter and improve physique).

I'll change my routing to include more cardio (running/swimming/football) and only maybe the one weights session per week. The weights session is so as to keep some momentum going in the physique side.

But overall I'll sit back down at the start of June and see how I'm doing... and I'll keep you informed along the way...

...wish me luck...

...and please no comments saying "I told you so"...

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