Monday, April 11, 2005

Progress report...

Well I've been working and playing hard in the big smoke for over a month now and my loyal fanclub are probably wanting some kind of update a to how my fitness regime is going... (or how miserably its failing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Well here is my latest update....

I've been quite active lately...

Last Monday went swimming, Wednesday played Football, Friday had a hard (ish) gym session and then went for a run on Sunday...not bad for well anyone really I think...

So when I went home this weekend I weighed myself...

And the result... I now weigh 13 stones... which means in one month of exercising hard (cos I've got no friends and no life to do anything else) and eating less/healthier (cos my mum ain't round to cook for me).. I've lost the grand total of 1lb...

Which by anyone's standards is pretty rubbish actually (infact the 1lb might have something to do with the fact that I completely stripped off to weigh my self in a feeble attempt to show some progress!!!)

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