Monday, April 04, 2005

The weekend is over

The weekend is over and its finally back to work... it was quite an eventful weekend although it started slow...

On Saturday morning I simply lay in bed till about 2pm... (that's the life I could do with more days like that)... Later I met up with some old work colleagues from Grant Thornton and went for a meal in Kingston at a Nepali restaurant (Monthy's). It was quite a nice place really and we had a good time catching up about old times and gossiping about former colleagues etc.

Sunday morning I went to the gym and worked my @r$e off!!!!!!! Was there from 11am till 2pm... (don't get excited I was having an induction for half an hour and spent most of the rest of the time just trying to figure out there computer system... (so in about three months tme the computer system will be able to tell me how much exercise I haven't done and how much cash I've paid for the pleasure). Actually I had quite a good work out and worked most muscle groups (except my crippled shoulder...see how I'm getting my excuses ready for later). I also went to the gym on Friday and did a pure cardio session (although that meant I did even less than normal)....

errm other than that I had a pretty boring weekend........ how about you?

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