Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Ok I admit it...I did it...I'm guilty...

...I've been caught red handed... I've committed a heinous crime... I've been stealing!!!!!!!!!!! Shame on me!!!!!!!!!1

If you navigate to my test template at www.salimsulemantest.blogspot, and then to www.defpol.blogspot.com/ you will find striking similarities... that's because I... err... "borrowed" the template without asking... I was ultimately caught out by then asking a group of people to check it - which included the victim of my heinous crime.

All in all his site is looks great and is worth a visit if anyone wants a lesson in what makes a good blog (and compare it it to my slap dash efforts!!!!).

I will most probably change my site to look like the template at www.salimsulemanhome.blogspot.com

I am ashamed and embarrased of myself and deserve to be punished... but because there is no punishment severe enough to match my crime... I guess I'll just have to continue as normal!!!

1 comment:

Editor said...

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
The person should be proud that someone want's to display their work.
Now if you were selling it without giving them their share then I could see why they would be mad.