Friday, April 01, 2005

Work (part 1)

Some of you are probably wondering why haven't written anything about my work... well there are a number of reasons...
  • I've only just started work and don't know much about the place yet.
  • Having just started work I'm trying to be careful and not get myself fired by saying anything I shouldn't.
  • Agin due to not being around long I don't know much gossip (yet!!!)
  • I'm an accountant/internal auditor and it really isn't that exciting.
  • I work for a utility company and again not that interesting!

For those of you who are interested here is a brief outline to I do...

I work for a gas and electricity supplier. My official job title is Business Assurance Executive (I think that sounds very cool and sexy). I'm kinda like an investigator who goes around the company looking at the risks and then seeing if the company is well positioned to respond to these risks. In my day to day dealings I meet people quite senior in the organisation such as directors etc!!! Oh yeah and the pay is fantastic! You guys are probably wondering how on earth I got such a responsible and important job...well the answer my dears is lots of prayer and lots of luck!

To stop you from getting bored (and 'cos I've got some boxes to lug around) I'll post more about work later.

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