Wednesday, October 26, 2005

I'm the boss...

I was late in to work today........ I was meant to start at 9am.... but I woke up at 9-30... didn't get in till 10.30 and the realised I had a meeting....

Nobody said anything... it could be because

a) I'm so damn good at my job that they let these things go........
b) I'm such a hardass and everyone is toooooooo scared to even make eye contact with me......
c) I'm superior to everyone in intellect and the boss of the world....or
d) I'm just an insignificant pleb... doing a meaningless job.... and my absence didn't even register with people..
Personally I think its a combination of a, b and c....... But lets put it to a vote... let me know what you guys think............... lets have a vote... you can do this by leaving comments.....

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

This blog ain't all depressing... (trust me I'm an accountant...hehehe!!!)

Just had a thought.... any new readers coming to this blog may get the wrong idea about it... after reading the last few posts you may assume this blog is like 99.999999% of other blogs and is written by some heartbroken teenage adolescent moaning about there life... or in my case lack if it.....

You may then get a sense of deja-vu and run away may think you've reas this a millio times before.....

Well that's not so.... this blog is actually full of really funny sh*t (well I think its funny)...... you jut gotta get past the reallt depressing sh*t first.....

So all you new readers out there... persevere as they say... all good things come the they who wait.....

Enjoy.... cos I'm sure the bulk of this blog will actually cheer a lot of people up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 23, 2005


I am not sure what the reason is, but I seem to have little to NO motivation for anything. Not seeing friends, not my phone, not my job, not blogging, not working out, not eating (now you know something is wrong). No motivation whatsoever. This is why I tried to go into hiding today. I did not want to see or talk to anyone. My goals were to catch up on sleep, work out day, not answer the phone, sort out my paperwork, sort through some thoughts and not leave my house again until Monday. I miss having time to myself. Okay, one day in and this has been really nice and all, but there is still something missing. I am not sure if this hibernating thing really works.....

...stay tuned folks and I'll let you know how it goes...

I got to say folks this is where being able to blog from my phcne in my bedroom comes in damn handy ...

Friday, October 21, 2005

My insane friend and his Asian Earthquake Appeal

I'm sure you're all aware of the earthquake that struck asia last week.... My prayers are for those who have suffered and are suffereing greatly during this time of great struggle....

Nearly 50,000 people have been kille and over 4 million have been left homeless in what was already one of the harshest environments known to man......

What has this got to do with my friend (Sajid Haleem) being insane.....

Well he's planning a sponsored bike ride to raise funds to help those effected... he will be riding 23 miles from Windsor to Central London... while this may not seem much to all you seasoned bike riders out there... Sajid will actually be doing this while fasting (as it is the holy month of Ramadhan and muslims do not eat or drink during daylight hours)...

This is what I think makes Saj a very brave and courageous guy... (or as I prefer to think insane!!!!!)...

He has set up a website (via just giving) where you can make donations - these will be passed directly to the Disasters Emergency Committee, and will also allow claiming gift aid.

The website is

Please could you all show you're support by making a donation and/or leaving a message of support for him here.


Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Today is the first day of the muslim month of Ramadhan.

During this month muslims all over the world will be fasting (not eating or drinkirg anything during day light hours).

All muslims young and old look forward to this month.

Ramadhan Mubarak to all muslims.

Monday, October 03, 2005


I hate Mondays...............

nuff said...............

you all know what I mean so I won't drone on incessantly for hours about how crap a day it was

(actually today wasn't that bad as one of my managers is on holiday and the other went for a meeting around lunchtime!!!! And the two people I expected to phone me up and verbally kick the sh*t out of me for the report I had written have been quite pleasant... I'd better not get toooooo excited though as there's still six and a half hours to go (only about aother five minutes in work I'll probably just hide under my desk for a bit!!!!!!!!!!!)

Sunday, October 02, 2005

I hate Sundays

"What?" I hear you guys scream. "How can anyone hate Sundays?"

Well I do so live with it... its the day before Monday... What more of an anti-climax do you want... no matter what kinda freaky shit you get up to...there's always the realisation lurking in the back of your skull that you gotta go back to the rat race tommorow.

The reality hits you...that all those e-mails you didn't read on Friday....all those files you stuffed in the drawers on Friday...and all the half written reports you left festering on your desk ...that all of these didn't vapourise into thin air when it hit 5-30... no sir... they sat there, biding there time, growing in power like some cancer... Knowing that Monday is coming...

That's the thought you get on Sunday... that'S the thought that pollutes and taints every moment of ecstasy you get.

To add insult to injury... you can't even stay up late... the last time I checked Sunday was still officially part cf the weekend...but you but you need to get to bed early... cos on Monday you have to be bright eyed and bushy tailed.. Its the one day you can't blame being tired on working your ass of in the office last night...

there you have it yor can't enjoy all of the day and when you do enjoy it, it s half hearted as you've one eye on the shit that's gonna hit the fan tomorrow...

To top it off...

Sunday tv is crap...
Everything is closed...
oh yeah and tomorrow is Monday the worst day of the week....

Enjoy your weekend...

Saturday, October 01, 2005


The more switched-on and observant of my readers (which will mean none of you) may have noticed that I haven't blogged in sometime (hell I was expecting to come back and find that the blog had been deleted or taken over by interner squatters)...

You can blame my boss.... I normally blog when I'm in the office, but guess what???? my bosses actually expect me to do some work when I'm in the office.... ridiculous I know... but seeing as I don't run the planet at the moment I'll have to live by their rules...

Anyway... while surfing the net... I found a little programme that allows me to update my blog than my pocketpc / phone (that's my xda2i) ....

This means I can new update my blog anywhere anywhere / anytime.... at home, on the train, in the cinema, at a restaurant, in bed or even on the toilet (I know you guys are looking really forward to these toilet moments)...

what this means is that we are entering the dawn of a new era where this blog will provide a much more upto the minute and intimate blogging experience for both you and I...


(incase you're wondering .. I'm actually blogging from my bedroom in Leeds...)