Sunday, October 02, 2005

I hate Sundays

"What?" I hear you guys scream. "How can anyone hate Sundays?"

Well I do so live with it... its the day before Monday... What more of an anti-climax do you want... no matter what kinda freaky shit you get up to...there's always the realisation lurking in the back of your skull that you gotta go back to the rat race tommorow.

The reality hits you...that all those e-mails you didn't read on Friday....all those files you stuffed in the drawers on Friday...and all the half written reports you left festering on your desk ...that all of these didn't vapourise into thin air when it hit 5-30... no sir... they sat there, biding there time, growing in power like some cancer... Knowing that Monday is coming...

That's the thought you get on Sunday... that'S the thought that pollutes and taints every moment of ecstasy you get.

To add insult to injury... you can't even stay up late... the last time I checked Sunday was still officially part cf the weekend...but you but you need to get to bed early... cos on Monday you have to be bright eyed and bushy tailed.. Its the one day you can't blame being tired on working your ass of in the office last night...

there you have it yor can't enjoy all of the day and when you do enjoy it, it s half hearted as you've one eye on the shit that's gonna hit the fan tomorrow...

To top it off...

Sunday tv is crap...
Everything is closed...
oh yeah and tomorrow is Monday the worst day of the week....

Enjoy your weekend...

1 comment:

Abigail S. said...

Now you've gone and made me depressed!

But it's true! All day Sunday, I'm dreading Monday... I'm a teacher, so I spend all Sunday afternoon and evening writing lesson plans, gathering supplies, etc. Sundays used to be nap days... now they're work days. Even when I go to church, the only thing I can think about is how I can sneak a nap into my day!

My life sucks!