Friday, April 01, 2005

Swimming or drowning....

After two days of extreme physical torture I thought that last night I'd take it easy by going for a nice gentle swim... maybe some one should remind me that I can't swim... as the effort of thrashing about in a pool was almost as bad as the pain of the prior two days!

I did about 20 lengths (25m pool)... although I did have to stop between each length to spit out the gallons of water I ingested...

Everytime I go swimming a number of thoughts always goes through my mind... what if the other users of the pool aren't as hygenic as I am (hahahahaha) and also the thought that I'm swimming in (and swallowing) water that other peoples feet (and other parts of the body) have been in...

Anyway after that I decided to visit the steam room, the sauna, the solarium and the jacuzzi. I have no idea why people go there but I guess I'm going to be a sheep and follow everyone else...after all if everyone else does it it must be good (and before anyone comments that I'm there to checkout the ladeeeez... I'll let you know when I go in I don't have my glasses on so I can't see more than a foot away from mt face... so if I did do any checking out I'd have to get quite close which in my sweaty condition would probably result in a severe beating).

I think I'll take it easy tonight and sleep... if I try to exercise in my current state while in pain and poor physical condition then I'll probably be due in casulaty later on.

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