Monday, July 25, 2005

Jean Charles de Menezes

I would like to express my sympathy for the family of Jean Charles De Menezes.

If I was approached by a group of (non-uniformed men) brandishing guns I think my reaction would be to run as well.

The fact that they had him pinned down and under control before unloading eight bullets into his head sounds more like a "summary execution" rather than a "shoot to kill/protect" policy.

The fact that for around 24 hours after they maintained that Jean was intimately linked to the terror bombings is also inexplicable... I wonder, if the person they had killed had been a young innocent muslim male, would some tenuos link have been made to the bombers?

To many people in the UK, the behaviour of the police seems reasonable... but imagine it from my a young, asian, muslim male, who is law-abiding, hard working, pays his taxes and has never committed any crime, living in London...I now not only have to worry about bombs on the London Underground, but also having the police take potshots at me. (I regularly take the tube to visit friends and take a rucksack if I'm staying overnight).

I do not agree with any aspect of the bombings on 7/7. I think that what happened goes against Islam. Until now I had now I had thought that the police had handled the situation since 7/7 quite well... but now.... The police have a very difficult job and have found themselves on the frontline... I don't envy them... they have a hard job protecting us at the best of times... and this situation will only serve to sour relations and make their job harder.

I hope and pray that this circle of violence ends soon without taking any more lives... muslim or non muslim...

1 comment:

Serena Woodward said...

I surfed over after seeing your comment on my blog. I can only imagine what it must be like in London right now, but I know that after the whole 9/11 thing over here everyone went NUTS! People started looking at anyone that even looked like they might have possibly THOUGHT about being a muslim with suspision. It's still bad. Makes me a little less proud to be an American.

I can only hope that the people of the UK react a little less with suspision and more with intelligence. Good luck to you and your country in the coming days.