Monday, September 15, 2008

What a year so far......

Well its been quite a hectic year for me so far.................. A fair bit has happened and I seem to have neglected my beloved fan club......

Even though I'm not the most adventerous of people..... so far this year I've visited Weeze (Germany), Tripoli, (Libya), Aberdeen (Scotland), Plymouth (Devon), Barcelona (Spain) and Karachi (Pakistan). Admittedly, the first four were work related - but I managed to see places I hadn't seen before of at least hadn't visited in a long time.

Talking about work - things have been all change there as well. I have a new manager and the department has been change around completely. Everything from the work we do to the new faces in the office. I was offered two new roles at work - one in Libya and one one in Aberdeen. And again - I think everyone has been surprised that boring old me has decided to up sticks and move to Libya - so this means that over the new months there are going to be a lot of changes in both my personal and work lives.... there are going to be a lot of challenges and a lot of adventures...... lets see what the future holds....

Outside of work two friends have gotten married (so congratulations to Mark & Amanda and Stuart and Lorna).

I've taken part in a charity challeng (BG Challenge) which involved three days of intense activities, night orienteering, running, riding, running and riding, games and all with lots of problem solving thrown in. I spent a few weeks training for the event - but I must say thanks to all the guys in the team without whom I couldn't have acheived anywhere near as much as I did!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I started to learn Arabic - but then quit as I didn't have the time to commit!!!!

I watched lots of Doctor Who (who seems to have filled the gap in my life when Buffy the Vampire Slayer went of the air!?!?!?!?)

Through the course of the year I've learnt a lot about me and the people around me..... There have been good time and not so good.... but there are no regrets . as I quoted someone in my last post - the goods times were wonderful.....and the not so good will be put down to experience.

This may not be a lot to many folks.... but for a fat slob like me its plenty.... and there are still three more months to go.... si plent of time for plenty more!!!!!!!

Oh yeah... there is one more peice of news............ but that can wait for a while ;O)

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