Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Fan club (part deux)

Another person who feels upset for not being mentioned is my dear friend Adam T Barker (if I've managed to hurt your feelings well tough...)(and apparently the T is because his dad was a big fan of James T Kirk...if you don't know who he is you lack culture and need to be shot).

Anyway I've known Adam since 1991 (that's 14 years...most marriages don't last that long these days). We went to the same school and sixth form... but our paths then differed as I decided to become a high powered corporate executive and Adam decided to take the easy route in life and become a teacher... he now spends all day enteraining little kids (nice work if you can get it)... at university he took on the usual student life style of becoming a beer guzzling rugby player (completly forgetting that his knee had a tendency to implode on him and that he spent the vast bulk of his school days wearing a cast on his leg).

His one saving grave is the fact that he is married to the beautiful and elegant Laura (also a teacher)... here's wishing them all the best in their future together.

On a serious note Adam is and has always been a great friend who has gone from strength to strength and can be described as a real pillar of society. He's always been there as a ashoulder for me to cry on (which is quite often) Through him I've come to appreciate how difficult a profession teaching is and how much effort is required. Adam never fails to display the utmost professionalism in his job (probably more by accident then design I would suspect!).

Again I'll post some pics as soon as I can be bothered to sort my own life out and if anyone wants Adam's contact details so they can send abusive e-mails let me know. (Alternatively if anyone wants to know about his dodgy university past for blackmail purposes just get in touch with me).

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