Thursday, March 24, 2005

Ouch...I hate football

Yesterday I played football for the first time in what seems like forever.....and boy am I regretting it today... I hate football!

I guess my sculpted body is not up to the rigours of the high intensity and fast paced action that goes on.

In the past Ised to make up for my severe lack of skill with an enthusiasm and desire that was unmatched. There is a huge difference, however, in the salim of 1998 and the salim of today...mainly due to carrying a few wxtra layers of insulation as I have aged! Unfortunately due to my lack of fitness and the only thing I failed to match was the pace of the game! There were a few choice moments when I did win the ball, at key points - but then was so lacking in energy that I was unable to even kick the ball!

But never fear I have shall return to my former glories, I have a a plan. The plan involves eating well and training hard... the only thing I have to overcome is my complete lack of desire.

I'm glad we played seven-a-side on a five-a-side pitch. It allowed me opportunities to, well, just stand around and take in some oxygen. Any less players and the oxygen that was freely available would not have been enough to sustain my hulking mass!

Oh if you wondering my team lost 4-2. I didn't score, I didn't come anywhere near.

Well lets see how things go next week. Hopefully it should be better. The only thing in my favour is that I would say that I have not fully recovered from my flu which may have impacyed on my performance! Ha if you can call it a performance.

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