Sunday, March 27, 2005

Some one is actually reading this

Oh my good... two people mailed me to tell me they are reading this stuff...could this be the beginning of a fan club or even my elevation to superstardom! Probably not as both people did kinda ssay they were disturbed at what I'd written..but hey folks these are my thoughts and if you have any inlking of what I'm like you'll realise that I'm a very disturbed read this blog at your own expense...

I do hope however, that whoever reads this does add some comments and mails me to tell me whether they think I'm right or wrong with my opinions.

I do feel that I am an open minded individual, but I don't have a monopoly on being write about everything (just most things!!!). I'm not stuck in my ways and my opinions aren't cast in stone. So if you think that I'm wrong (which would be all the time) then let me know. I do consider the facts and opinions of others and if I am wrong I will accept other ideas and modify or change my views. At the very least I will repect your views and I am willing to add others thoughts and comments as a balance and edit my past posts to take this into account.

Remember these are the opinions and thoughts of a somewhat educated individual (although my friends and family might diagree quite strongly about that). I feel I have had a well balanced upbring in a household (and amongst friends) that has managed to fuse east, west, religion, society, individualism and family (which is quite amazing when you consider the freaks of nature that I have grown up with at home and in my neighbourhood.

While I do try to take care in the way I write one thing I would like to add is that things to the reader may sound very different to how they appear to the writer. Remember that when I'm writing in my head I can hear the tone and emphasis of what I'm saying, while you do not have this benefit. If something sounds wrong or bizarre there is a good chance that it is ask me if that's what I meant!

Sorry if I offend but this is who I am! If you don't like it then like I said talk to me and see if you can change my mind (hopefully without resorting to violence)... at the very least you'll find out what I'm like from your own personal viewpoint. If you think I'm an idiot then tell me leave or comment or better still ask for editing rights and I'll let you post your opinions to the blog...or hey start your own blog and let the world (or at least your home pc) know what you think...

I have my opinions you have yours...we can all express them as long as we don't offend (well not too badly)...but we mustn't be afraid to tell the world what we think or else we risk out opinions and thoughts being left on the shelf all because we were too scared to say something... many times I've been told I'm a nut job because of what I say and think...but there are many times I've stayed silent and wished I'd spoken up... SAYING WHAT YOU BELIEVE AND HAVING PRINCIPLES WILL EARN MORE RESPECT THEN FOLLOWING THE CROWD... (although there are times when following the crowd can be good... e.g. when they are running out of a burning building etc)... but whatever you do, try to do it with consideration!


Anonymous said...

i so badly wanted to read wot u wrote d oda day... but neway... im2L8!n yes i agree2wot u said... but sumtimes its not dat easy2let d world knw!!!

bravefish said...

Its true its not always easy to let the world know and once you let your opinions become known to the world its impossible to take back... so care should be taken with what is said... you don't want it to come back and bite you on the a$$...

But you don't have to let the world know your innermost feelings, thoughts and desires... you can just moan about simple stuff or give your opinion on everyday things you read in the paper!